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Publication/Podcast | "How Much Censorship Can A Democracy Take?" | 16.10.23

Updated: Feb 15, 2024

Heike Paul has published an article titled "Wie viel Zensur verträgt die Demokratie?" in the German-language journal Einsichten + Perspektiven - Bayerische Zeitschrift für Politik und Geschichte of the Bayerische Landeszentrale für Politische Bildungsarbeit (Bavarian Agency for Civic Education). The article addresses the recent surge in book bans in American schools and public libraries and various attempts to censor school and college curricula in the United States, especially when it comes to topics such as race and sexual orientation. Heike Paul also discusses this topic and the question of how this threatens to undermine American democracy in an interview ("Werkstattgespräch") on the Hörsaal-podcast of Einsichten + Perspektive.

The article as well as the podcast are available here.


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